1. G. W. Form and J. F. Wallace: General Principles of the Solidification of Metals, Trans. AFS, 1960, p. 145.
2. W. C. Winegard and B. Chalmers: Supercooling and Dendritic Freezing of Alloys, Trans. AMS, 1954, p. 1214.
3. R. W. Ruddle: The Solidification of Castings, monograph no. 7, Institute of Metals, London, 1957.
4. D. Turnbull: Principles of Solidification, Thermodynamics in Physical Metallurgy, ASM, Cleveland, Ohio, 1950, p. 282.
5. P. D. Southgate: Action of Vibration of Solidifying Aluminum Alloys, Journal of Metals, vol. 9, 1957, p. 514.