1. J. G. Kaufman and E. W. Johnson: The Use ot Notch Yield Ratio to Evaluate the Notch Sensitivity of Aluminum Alloy Sheet, ASTM, June 1962.
2. G. B. Espey, M. H. Jones and W. F. Brown, Jr.: The Sharp Edge Notch Tensile Strength of Several High Strength Steel Sheet Alloys, Proc. ASTM, 1959, vol. 59, p. 837.
3. N. A. Kahn and E. A. Imbembo: A Method of Evaluating Transition From Shear to Cleavage Type Failure in Ship Plate and Its Correlation With Large Scale Plate Tests, The Welding Journal, 1958, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 169-S.
4. J. G. Kaufman and A. T. Knoll: Tear Resistance of Aluminum Alloy Sheet as Determined from Kahn-type Tear Tests, to be published.
5. Fracture Testing of High Strength Sheet Materials. A report of the ASTM Committee on Fracture Testing of High Strength Sheet Materials, ASTM Bulletin, Jan. 1960, p. 29.