1. R.C. Lemon, C.R. Howle, Premium strength aluminum casting alloys 354 and 359. AFS Trans. 70, 465–470 (1963)
2. J.G. Kaufman, E.L. Rooy, Aluminum Alloy Castings: Properties, Processing, and Applications (ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, U.S.A., 2004)
3. ASM Handbook Vol. 2, “Properties and selection: Nonferrous alloys and special-purpose materials,” ASM International, Materials Information Society, U.S.A., 1990.
4. J.R. Davis, Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, ASM Specialty Handbook (ASM International, Materials Park, OH, U.S.A., 1993)
5. J.L. Jorstad, W.M. Rasmussen, D.L. Zalensas, Aluminum Casting Technology (The American Foundrymen’s Society Inc., Des Plaines, IL, U.S.A., 1993)