1. Standard Specification for Abrasion-Resistant Cast Irons, ASTM A532/532M-10 (Reapproved 2019), ASTM International (2019).
2. R.B. Gundlach, D.V. Doane, Alloy Cast Irons, in Properties and Selection: Irons, Steels, and High-Performance Alloys. (ASM Handbook, 1990), pp.85–104
3. J.R. Keough, K.L. Hayrynen, Heat Treatment of High-Alloy White Cast Irons, in Cast Iron Science and Technology. ed. by D.M. Stefanescu (ASM Handbook, 2017), pp.275–283
4. J. Dodd, J.L. Parks, Factors Affecting the Production and Performance of Thick Section High Chromium-Molybdenum Alloy Iron Castings (Climax Molybdenum Company Metals Forum, USA, 1980)
5. W. Fairhurst, K. Rohrig, Abrasion-resistant high-chromium white cast irons. Foundry Trade J. (1974).