1. Anonymous. 1799. Art. IV. Remarks on a Journey to the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire, in the Years 1793 and 1794. By P.S. Pallas…The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine; or, Monthly Political and Literary Censor 4 (August-December): 512-533.
2. Anonymous. 1804b. Pétersbourg du 17 septembre. Journal Politique de Mannheim. Thursday, 11 October.
3. Anonymous. 1804c. Petersburg, den 17. Sept. Augsburgische Ordinari Postzeitung. Friday, 12 October.
4. Anonymous. 1804d. Rußland. Beschluß des Kriegsberichts aus Grußien. Kaiserlich und Kurpfalzbairisch privilegirte Allgemeine Zeitung. Saturday, 13 October.
5. Anonymous. 1804e. Summary of Politics. Sir George Rumbold. Cobbett’s Weekly Political Register. Saturday, 24 November.