Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Reference33 articles.
1. Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M., and Wolfgang Maennig. 2011. Homeownership and NIMBYism: A spatial analysis of airport effects. SERC Discussion Paper 85. London: London School of Economics.
2. Ahlfeldt, Gabriel M., and Wolfgang Maennig. 2015. Homevoters vs. Leasevoters: A spatial analysis of airport effects. Journal of Urban Economics 87:85–99.
3. Berger, Johannes. 2020. Capitalism. On the past and future of an economic system. In Handbook of Economic Sociology for the 21st Century, Ed. Andrea Maurer (forthcoming, Palgrave Macmillan).
4. Brink, Mark, Beat Schäffer, Reto Pieren, and Jean M. Wunderli. 2018. Conversion between noise exposure indicators Leq24h, LDay, LEvening, LNight, Ldn and Lden: Principles and practical guidance. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 221:54–63.
5. Bruderer Enzler, Heidi, Andreas Diekmann, Jörg Hartmann, Lucie Herold, Katharina Kilburger, Karin Kurz, Ulf Liebe, and Peter Preisendörfer. 2019. Dokumentation Projekt “Umweltgerechtigkeit – Soziale Verteilungsmuster, Gerechtigkeitseinschätzungen und Akzeptanzschwellen.” Zurich: ETH-Zurich.