Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Reference94 articles.
1. Agius, Christine, 2013: Performing identity: The Danish cartoon crisis and discourses of identity and security. In: Security Dialogue 44: 3, S. 241-258.
2. Agnew, John, 2007: Know-Where: Geographies of Knowledge of World Politics. In: International Political Sociology 1: 2, S. 138–148.
3. Ansorge, Josef Teboho, 2007: The (International) Politics of Friendship: Exemplar, Exemplarity, Exclusion. In: Fagan, Madeleine/Glorieux, Ludovic/Hasimbegovix, Indira/Suetsugo, Marie (Hrsg.): Derrida. Negotiating the Legacy, Edinburgh, S. 112-127.
4. Ashley, Richard K., 1984: The Poverty of Neorealism. In: International Organization 38: 2, S. 225-286.
5. Ashley, Richard K./Walker, R.B.J., 1990a: Reading Dissidence/Writing the Discipline: Crisis and the Question of Sovereignty in International Studies. In: International Studies Quarterly 34 (Special Issue: Speaking the Language of Exile: Dissidence in International Studies): 3, S. 367-416.
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