1. Adorno, T. W. (1992). On the fetish-character in music and the regression of listening (trans: Goldbloom, M.). In A. Arato and E. Gebhardt (Eds.), The essential Frankfurt School reader (pp. 270–299). New York: Continuum.
2. Adorno, T. W. (2001/1991). Free time (trans: Finlayson G., & Walker, N.). In J. M. Bernstein (Eds.), The culture industry: Selected essays on mass culture, (2nd ed., pp. 187–198). London: Routledge. Originally published as Freizeit. Gesammelte Schriften 10/2, Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft (pp. 645–655). Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag. (1977).
3. Adorno, T. W., & Horkheimer, M. (1993). Enlightenment as mass deception. In Dialectic of enlightenment. New York: Continuum. Originally published as Dialektik der Aufklarung (1944).
4. Adorno, T. W., & Rabinbach, A. G. (1975). Culture industry reconsidered. New German Critique, 6, 12–19.
5. Adorno, T. W., & Simpson, G. (2002). On popular music. In Theodor W. Adorno (Ed.) Essays on music (pp. 437–470) (trans: Gillespie, S. H.). Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press.