Vuori Jukka,Ruokolainen Mervi,Toppinen-Tanner Salla
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Reference9 articles.
1. Ahola, K., Vuori, J., Toppinen-Tanner, S., Mutanen, P. & Honkonen, T. (2012): Resource-enhancing group intervention against depression at workplace - who benefits? A randomised controlled study with a seven-month follow-up. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 69: 870-876.
2. Bloom, H. (2006): The core analytics of randomized experiments for social research. MDRC working papers on research methodology. New York: MDRC. Open access:
3. Chou, R. J.-A. & Choi, N. G. (2011): Prevalence and correlates of perceived workplace discrimination among older workers in the United States of America. Ageing & Society, 31: 1051-1070.
4. Salmela-Aro, K., Mutanen, P. & Vuori, J. (2012): Promoting career preparedness and intrinsic work-goal motivation; RCT intervention. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80: 67-75.
5. Toppinen-Tanner, S., Böckerman, P., Mutanen, P., Martimo, K.-P. & Vuori, J. (2016): Preventing sickness absence with career management intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 58: 1202-1206.