1. Butler, Judith. 2016. Performativity. In terms of performance. http://intermsofperformance.site/keywords/performativity/judith-butler. Accesssed 19 June 2019.
2. Cheng, Anne Anlin. 2011. Second Skin. Josephine Baker and the Modern Surface. New York: Oxford University Press.
3. Cocteau, Jean. “Le Sang d’un Poète” (“Blood of a Poet”) 1932—The Flushing Remonstrance—Part Two. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/216772822. Accesssed 25 June 2019.
4. Cocteau, Jean. 1920. Opinions sur l’art nègre. Action: 24. Cited after Grossman, Wendy A. and Steven Manford. 2006. Unmasking Man Ray’s Noire et blanche. American Art 20 (2): 134–147.
5. Coutelet, Nathalie. 2012. Féral Benga. De la danse nègre à la chorégraphie africaine (Féral Benga. From the Negro Dance to the African Choregraphy). Cahiers d’Études Africaines 52 (205): 199–215.