1. Allocco M (2010) Safety analyses of complex systems—considerations of software, firmware, hardware, human, and the environment. Wiley, Hoboken. ISBN 978-0-470-58770-6
2. Antonopoulos A (2017) Mastering bitcoin—unlocking digital cryptocurrencies, 2nd edn. O’Reilly, Farnham. ISBN 978-1-491-95438-6
3. Anwar S (2018) Fault tolerant drive by wire systems—impact on vehicle safety and reliability. Bentham Science, Sharjah. ISBN 978-1-6080-5667-5
4. Arduin P-E (2018) Insider threats. ISTE Ltd & Wiley, London & Hoboken. ISBN 978-1-848-21972-4
5. Aumasson J-P (2017) Serious cryptography—a practical introduction to modern encryption. No Starch Press, San Franciso. ISBN 978-1-5932-7826-7