Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Reference45 articles.
1. Andreß, Hans-Jürgen, Gero Lipsmeier, and Kurt Salentin. 1995. Soziale Isolation und mangelnde soziale Unterstützung im unteren Einkommensbereich? Zeitschrift für Soziologie 24: 300–315.
2. Bernardi, Laura, Sylvia Keim, and Holger von der Lippe. 2007. Social influences on fertility a comparative mixed methods study in Eastern and Western Germany. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 1: 23–47.
3. Bryson, Ken, Lynne M. Casper, and United States Bureau of the Census. 1999. Coresident grandparents and grandchildren. Census Bureau.
4. Cornwell, Benjamin, Edward O. Laumann, and L. Philip Schumm. 2008. The social connectedness of older adults: A national profile. American Sociological Review 73: 185–203.
5. Craig, Lyn, and Killian Mullan. 2011. How mothers and fathers share childcare a cross-national time-use comparison. American Sociological Review 76: 834–861.