Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Reference74 articles.
1. Alpermann, Björn. 2012. Class, Citizenship and Individualization in China’s Modernization. ProtoSociology 28 (2): 7 – 24.
2. Alpermann, Björn. 2016. Fukuyama and the Chinese Middle Class: Modernization Theory 1.5. Journal of Chinese Governance 1 (3): 441 – 456.
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5. Beck, Ulrich, und Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim. 2010. Foreword: Varieties of Individualization. In iChina: The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society, Hrsg. Mette Halskov Hansen, und Rune Svarverud, xiii – xx. Kopenhagen: NIAS.