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2. Alexander, Jeffrey C. 1987. Twenty lectures. Sociological theory since World War II. New York: Columbia University Press.
3. Alexander, Jeffrey C. 1990. Analytic debates: Understanding the relative autonomie of culture. In Culture and society. Contemporary debates, Hrsg. Jeffrey C. Alexander und Steven Seidmann, 1–27. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4. Alexander, Jeffrey C. 1992. The fragility of progress: An interpretation of the turn toward meaning in Eisenstadt’s later work. Acta Sociologica 35(2): 85–94.
5. Alexander, Jeffrey C. 1998. After Neofunctionalism: Action, culture, and civil society. In Neofunctionalism and after, Hrsg. Jeffrey C. Alexander, 210–233. Malden: Blackwell Publishers.