1. Adams-Webber, Margot. 1997. Soap Slingers, Drummers and Agents. Larkin Company Merchandising 1875–1885. Marketing History Knows No Bounds. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Historical Research in Marketing and Marketing Thought: 123-132.
2. Alexander, Jennifer K. 2008. The Mantra of Efficiency. From Waterwheel to Social Control. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
3. Anonymus. 1900. Office Manual. Buffalo, hrsg. von der Larkin Company, NY: J.W. Clement. C11-03, Box 2.17, Archiv der Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society.
4. Anonymus. 1903. Office Items. Ourselves, 1 (13): 3. Archiv der Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society.
5. Anonymus. 1907. The Inscriptions on the Court of the Administration Building. The Larkin Idea 7 (3): 1-2. Archiv der Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society.