1. Allison, Graham et al. 1985. Hawks, Doves, & Owls: An Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War. New York: Norton.
2. Baedeker, Karl. 1899. The United States. Handbook for Travellers. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker.
3. Baedeker, Karl. 1907. The Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. Handbook for Travellers. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker.
4. Baedeker, Karl. 1912. Palestine and Syria with Routes through Mesopotamia and Babylonia and the Island of Cyprus. Handbook for Travellers. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker.
5. Ben-Chorin, Schalom. 1987 [1967]. Bruder Jesus. Der Nazarener in jüdischer Sicht. München: Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag