Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Reference28 articles.
1. Armitage, John. 2006. From Discourse Networks to Cultural Mathematics: An Interview with Friedrich A. Kittler. Theory, Culture & Society 23 (7–8): 17–38.
2. Breger, Claudia. 2006. Gods, German Scholars, and the Gift of Greece: Friedrich Kittler’s Philhellenic Fantasies. Theory, Culture & Society 23 (7–8): 111–134.
3. Brown, Michael. 2000. Closet Space: Geographies of Metaphor from the Body to the Globe. London/New York: Routledge.
4. Currie, Mark. 2013. The Unexpected: Narrative Temporality and the Philosophy of Surprise. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
5. Downing, Eric, Jonathan M. Hess, and Richard V. Benson. 2012. Introduction. In Literary Studies and the Pursuits of Reading, Eds. E. Downing, Jonathan M. Hess and Richard Benson, 1–14. Rochester: Camden House.