1. Ballas, S.: Deformations of non-compact, projective manifolds. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 14(5), 2595–2625 (2014)
2. Ballas, S.: Figure-8 deformations. http://www.math.ucsb.edu/~sballas/research/documents/Fig8Deformations.nb (2013)
3. Ballas, S.: Flexibility and rigidity of three-dimensional convex projective structures. Ph.D. thesis (2013)
4. Ballas, S., Long, D.D: Constructing thin subgroups commensurable with the figure-eight knot group, to appear in Alg. & Geom. Top. arXiv:1410.8157v1
5. Baues, Olivier: The deformations of flat affine structures on the two-torus. ArXiv e-prints (December 2011), arXiv:1112.3263