1. A. P. Batson, B. B. Culwick, J. G. Hill andL. Riddiford:Proc. Roy. Soc., A251, 218 (1959).
2. G. Morpurgo:Nuovo Cimento,9, 564 (1958).
3. M. Huq:Ph. D. Thesis (University of Birmingham, 1958).
4. This figure is inferred from values obtained, at lower energies (4), by means of an average over the polarization in the angular interval concerned, using the differential cross-section as a weighting factor.
5. M. G. Mešeriakov, S. B. Nurušev andG. Stolitov:Žurn. Ėksper. Teor. Fiz.,33, 37 (1957).