1. D. ANICK, Construction d'espaces de lacets et anneaux locaux à séries de Poincaré-Betti non rationnelles, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sc. Paris, 290, série A, p. 729–732. 1980 (Cf. also D. ANICK, A counterexample to a conjecture of Serre, Ann.Math., 115, 1982, p. 1–33. Correction: Ann.Math., 116, 1983, 661.)
2. D. ANICK, The smallest ω-irrational CW-complex, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 28, 1983, p. 213–222.
3. D. ANICK, A model of Adams-Hilton type for fiber squares, Ill. J. Math., 29, 1985, p. 463–502.
4. D. ANICK-T.H. GULLIKSEN, Rational dependence among Hilbert and Poincaré series, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 38, 1985, p. 135–157.
5. Lecture Notes in Mathematics;L.L. Avramov,1986