Environmental concerns about residues and the traditional disposal methods are driving the search for more environmentally conscious processes, such as pyrolysis and gasification. Their main final product is synthesis gas (syngas) composed of CO, CO2, H2, and methane. Syngas can be converted into various products using CO-tolerant microorganisms. Among them, Rhodospirillum rubrum is highlighted for its biotechnological potential. However, the extent to which high doses of CO affect its physiology is still opaque. For this reason, we have studied R. rubrum behavior under high levels of this gas (up to 2.5 bar), revealing a profound dependence on the presence or absence of light. In darkness, the key variable affected was the lag phase, where the highest levels of CO retarded growth to more than 20 days. Under light, R. rubrum ability to convert CO into CO2 and H2 depended on the presence of an additional carbon source, such as acetate. In those conditions where CO was completely exhausted, CO2 fixation was unblocked, leading to a diauxic growth. To enhance R. rubrum tolerance to CO in darkness, a UV-accelerated adaptive laboratory evolution (UVa-ALE) trial was conducted to isolate clones with shorter lag phases, resulting in the isolation of clones 1.4-2B and 1.7-2A. The adaptation of 1.4-2B was mainly based on mutated enzymes with a metabolic function, while 1.7-3A was mostly affected at regulatory genes, including the anti-repressor PpaA/AerR. Despite these mutations having slight effects on biomass and pigment levels, they successfully provoked a significant reduction in the lag phase (−50%).
• CO affects principally R. rubrum lag phase (darkness) and growth rate (light)
• CO is converted to CO2/H2during acetate uptake and inhibits CO2fixation (light)
• UVa-ALE clones showed a 50% reduction in the lag phase (darkness)
Graphical Abstract
European Union’s Horizon 2020
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Comunidad de Madrid
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Ministerio de Universidades
HORIZON EUROPE Framework Programme
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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3 articles.