Horses stay in different types of stables; especially during the cold season, they stay inside for most of the day. A stable is also a place where many people spend quite a lot of time either as employees who care for and train horses or as equine enthusiasts. Keeping horses in stables causes their constant exposure to high concentrations of particulate matter (PM) and molds in the air inside these facilities. The study was conducted in Udórz Stud Farm located in the southern region of Poland. It was carried out in two different types of stables: three runners and two box stables. The study continued for 2 years; samples were collected in each season of the year. The following devices were used: a six-stage Andersen-Graseby cascade impactor, the DustTrak™ II Aerosol Monitor 8530. The obtained results allowed for the conclusion that horses kept in box stables are exposed to lower concentrations of molds and yeasts than those kept in runners. Molds dominated in the stable air during humid periods—spring and autumn—while yeasts were more prominent during summer and winter. It was observed that cleaning stables reduces the morphotic elements of fungi in the air, even though it results in a higher level of particulate matter in the stable air. It should be noted that microclimate conditions were optimal for horses practically throughout the whole year.
Key points
• In stables, there is a high level of air intoxication, both by yeast and by mold fungi
• The concentrations of fungi in the air depend on the season and the stable cleaning procedure
• The PM concentrations depend on the type of stable
Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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