1. J. M. Blackadar, S. E. Garner, J. A. Bounds, W. H. Casson, D. J. Mercer, Evaluation of Commercial Detectors, Proc. INMM 44th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 2003 (CD-ROM).
2. D. Miko, R. J. Estep, M. W. Rawool-Sullivan, Nucl. Instr. Meth., A422 (1999) 433.
3. R. J. Estep, M. W. Brener, M. E. Martinez, W. S. Murray, B. A. Sapp, Fixed-Point Integer Implementations of Selected Solvers for Constrained Response Function Fitting, Proc. 7th Intern. Conf. on Facility Operations-Safeguards Interface, Charleston, 2004 (CD-ROM).
4. R. J. Estep, M. W. Brener, M. E. Martinez, W. S. Murray, B. A. Sapp, A Fast Non-Negative Least Squares Solver for Use in Radioisotope Identification with the Material Basis Set (MBS) Method, Proc. INMM 45th Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2004 (CD-ROM).
5. C. Lawson, R. Hanson, Solving Least Squares Problems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood, New Jersey, 1974.