1. Bacri CO et al (2010) Nucl Instrum Methods A 613:357–359
2. IPNO is a laboratory of the CNRS, a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of Research. http://ipnweb.in2p3.fr
3. IN2P3/CNRS’s mission is to promote and coordinate the research activities in nuclear physics, high-energy physics and their applications, http://institut.in2p3.fr
4. PACEN (Backend nuclear fuel cycle and energy production) is the French national program which coordinates in CNRS all studies related to nuclear fuel cycle—GEDEPEON (waste management and energy production with innovative option) is a national research group, inside the PACEN program. http://pacen.in2p3.fr , http://www.gedeon.prd.fr
5. Jurado B et al (2010) Nucl Instrum Methods A 613:343–346