Mauerhofer Eric,Ophoven Niklas,Ilic Zeljko,Stieghorst Christian,Révay Zsolt,Meleshenkovskii Iaroslav,Randriamalala Tsitohaina H.
AbstractGamma emission induced by the irradiation of nickel and zirconium with fission neutrons was investigated with the FaNGaS (Fast Neutron–induced Gamma-ray Spectrometry) instrument operated at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum. Measurements were done at an angle of 90° with respect to the direction of the fission neutron beam (average neutron energy of 2.18 MeV). We report on the relative intensities and production cross sections of 265 gamma lines (163 for nickel and 102 for zirconium). Consistency with available literature data was evaluated. The cross section of the 90Zr(n,n′)90mZr reaction was determined to be 88 ± 8 mb. For a counting time of 12 h, the detection limits of 0.7 and 1.3 mg were estimated for nickel and zirconium, respectively.
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Springer Science and Business Media LLC