1. Strategy and Methodology for Radioactive Waste Characterization, IAEA-TECDOC-1537, ISBN 92-0-100207-6, IAEA, Vienna, 2007.
2. IAEA Technical Report Series Nr. 462, Managing of Low Radioactivity Material from the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities, IAEA Vienna, 2008.
3. X. Hou, P. Roos, Critical Comparison of Radiometric and Mass Spectrometric Methods for the Determination of Radionuclides in Environmental, Biological and Nuclear Waste Samples, Postprint, 2007, http://www.risoe.dk/rispubl/art/2007_333.pdf .
4. K.S. Redus, et al., Scaling Ratios Produce Misleading Results in D&D Projects, WM’05 Conference, Tucson, February 27–March 3, 2004.
5. ISO 21238:2007 Nuclear Energy-Nuclear Waste-Standard Guide for the Scaling Factor Method to Determine the Radioactivity of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Packages Generated at Nuclear Power Plant (LWR), International Standard.