Actinide isotope analysis and trace element composition of bones of prehistoric animals and humans by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)


Nesmiyan I.,Ragazzon-Smith A.,Saidullaev B. D.,Vasidov A.,Strashnov I.ORCID


AbstractInductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been used for analysis of the bones of archanthropus, ancient bear, southern mammoths, dinosaurs, as well as soils collected in various parts of Uzbekistan. The concentrations of 64 elements have been detected including thorium and uranium for which isotope compositions were also analysed. The comparison of the ICP-MS data with the results we obtained earlier for some bones using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) is presented. The concentrations of 234, 235, 238U are up to two orders of magnitude elevated compared to the soils (e.g.238U in south mammoth bone—130.1 mg/kg, and that of soil is only 1.6 mg/kg). The levels of 236U, and 239, 240, 242, 244Pu isotopes (possible neutron capture products of 235U and 238U) correspond to a count rate of blank samples. In addition, the isotope analysis confirms the uranium in the bones and surrounding soils is natural (the average determined for all samples uranium ratios 235U/238U = 0.0071 ± 0.0003 (2-sigma errors). The concentration of 230Th (which is the part of 234U and 238U decay chain) is also elevated in the bones compared to the surrounding soils, however, the concentrations of stable 232Th largely correspond to those of the soil. The excess uranium detected in bones is most probably due to the preferential accumulation from soil, and not to the paleo diet.


Global Challenges Research Fund


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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