1. AKIMOVA, N.V., RUBAN, G.I. (1996): A classification of reproductive disturbances in sturgeons (Acipenseridae) caused by an anthropogenic impact. — Jo. Ichthyol. 36 (1), 61–76.
2. ANTIPA, G. (1909): Fauna ichtiologica a Romaniei. Acad. Rom. Publ. Fond. Adamachi, Bucuresti.
3. AP, ACTION PLAN (2006): Action Plan for the conservation of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Danube River Basin. AP-Document, final version, 12. December 2005. Reference “Nature and Environment”, No. 140. Recommendation 116 on the conservation of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) in the Danube River Basin, adopted by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention in December 2005. The recommendation says that the Standing Committee considers this Action Plan “as guidelines for competent national authorities” and recommends to Bern Convention Parties that they “consider drafting and implementing” national action plans in the Danube River Basin for the six species listed in the Appendix, and to “take note” of the Action Plan “in that context”.
4. BACALBASA-DOBROVICI, N., PATRICHE, N. (1999): Environmental studies and recovery actions for sturgeons in the Lower Danube River system. Jo. Appl. Ichthyol. 15, (4/5), 114–115.
5. BALON, E.K. (ed.) (1997): Environm. Biol. Fishes 48/1–4, 435 pp.