1. A Lopez: Compositeness at LEP, presented at the XXVIth Rencontres de Moriond 1991; M. Davier: Rapporteur talk at the EPS-LP Conference, Geneva 1991, LAL 91-48; M.G. Green: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 336 (1991) 281
2. G. Burgers: The shape and size of theZ resonance; in: Polarisation at LEP, G. Alexander et al. (eds.), CERN 88-06 (1988) 121; Program GAMMAZ courtesy of G. Burgers and W. Hollik
3. T. Hebbeker: QCD studies at LEP, presented at the EPS-LP Conference, Geneva 1991; PITHA 91/17, 1991
4. J.R. Carter: Precision tests of the standard model at LEP, presented at the EPS-LP Conference, Geneva 1991
5. ALEPH Coll., D. Decamp et al.: preprint CERN-PPE/91-149 (1991), to be published in Phys. Rep.