1. B. W. Rosen, ?Fibre Composite Materials? (American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1964) Ch. 3.
2. M. A. Eisenberg, ?Theory of Fabrication-Induced Anisotropy of Chopped-Fibre/Resin Panels?, General Motors Research Laboratories Publication GMR-2633, February (1978).
3. G. J. Weng and C. T. Sun, ?Effects of Fibre Length on Elastic Moduli of Randomly-Oriented Chopped-Fibre Composites?, presented at the Fifth American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Conference on Composite Materials: Testing and Design, New Orleans, 20?22 March (1978) (ASTM STP (Special Technical Publication) 674, 1979) p. 149.
4. D. C. Chang and G. J. Weng, ?Effective Stiffness of Randomly-Oriented Chopped-Fibre Composites?, General Motors Research Laboratories Publication GMR-354, October (1978).