1. C. A. Barrett and C. E. Lowell,Oxid. Met. 9, 307 (1975).
2. D. L. Douglass,Oxidation of Metals and Alloys (American Society of Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1971), pp. 137?156.
3. P. Hancock and R. C. Hurst,Advances in Corrosion Science and Technology, M. G. Fontana and R. W. Staehle, eds. (Plenum Press, New York, 1974), Vol. 4, pp. 1?84.
4. J. R. Johnston and R. L. Ashbrook, ?Effect of Cyclic Conditions on the Dynamic Oxidation of Gas Turbine Superalloys,? NASA TN D-7614 (April 1974).
5. J. K. Tien and F. S. Pettit,Metall. Trans. 3, 1587 (1972).