1. Alpay, D., Jorgensen, P., Lewkowicz, I.: Extending wavelet filters: infinite dimensions, the non-rational case, and indefinite inner product spaces. In: Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, vol. 2, Appl. Numer. Harmon. Anal., pp. 69–111. Birkhäuser/Springer, New York (2013)
2. Alpay, D., Jorgensen, P., Lewkowicz, I.: Parametrizations of all wavelet filters: input-output and state-space. Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process (STSIP) 12, 159–188 (2013)
3. Alpay, D., Jorgensen, P.E.T., Lewkowicz, I.: Characterizations of Families of Rectangular, Finite Impulse Response, Para-Unitary Systems. arXiv:1410.0280
4. Alpay, D., Jorgensen, P.E.T., Lewkowicz, I.: Characterizations of Rectangular, (Para)-Unitary Rational Functions” a manuscript. arXiv:1410.0283
5. Alpay, D., Jorgensen, P., Lewkowicz, I., Marziano, I.: Representation formulas for Hardy space functions through the Cuntz relations and new interpolation problems. In: Shen, X., Zayed, A. (eds.) Multiscale Signal Analysis and Modeling, pp. 161–182. Springer, New York (2013)