1. M. Boyer, S. Storøy and S. Thore:Equilibrium Returns in Capital Market Networks, paper to The European Meeting of The Econometric Society, Budapest, 1972.
2. G. Dahl and S. Storøy:Enumeration of Vertices in The Linear Programming Problem, Report no. 45, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Bergen, 1973.
3. H. Müller-Mehrbach:Upper-Bounding-Technique, Generalized Upper-Bounding-Technique and Direct Decomposition in Linear Programming, in Decomposition of Large Scale Systems, editor: D. Himmelblau, North Holland Publ. Comp., Amsterdam, 1973.
4. S. Storøy:An Algorithm for Finding a Vector in The Intersection of Open Convex Polyhedral Cones, BIT 13 (1973) 114–119.