1. J.Y. Choe and S. Ahn, IEEE Trans. Electron. DevicesED-28, 94 (1981).
2. J.Y. Choe and S. Ahn, NRL Memorandum Report 4041, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C. (July 20, 1979).
3. N.A. Krall and A.W. Trivelpiece,Principles of Plasma Physics, (McGraw-Hill, New York 1973) p. 396.
4. A. Kupiszewski, N.C. Luhmann, Jr. and H. Jory, 6th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Paper W-2-5 (Dec. 7?12, 1981).
5. A.V. Gapanov, A.L. Gol'denberg, D.P. Grigor'ev, T.B. Pankratova, M.I. Petelin and V.A. Flyagin, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn, Zaved., Radiofiz.18, 280 (1975) [Soviet Radiophys.18, 204 (1975)].