1. N.Z. Shor,Minimization Methods for Non-Differentiable Functions (Springer, 1985).
2. V.S. Michalevich, V.A. Trubin and N.Z. Shor, Mathematical methods for solving optimization problems of production, Transport planning (Nauka, Moscow, 1986 (in Russian).
3. N.Z. Shor, Quadratic optimization problems, Izv. USSR Technical Cybernetics (Moscow) 1 (1987) 128–139.
4. N.Z. Shor, One idea of getting a global extremum in polynomial problems of mathematical programming, Kibernetica (Kiev) 5 (1987) 102–106.
5. N.Z. Shor, One class estimates of the global minimum of polynomial functions, Kibernetica (Kiev) 6 (1987) 9–11.