1. C. Delaunay,Sur la surface de révolution dont la courbure moyenne est constante. J. Math, pures et appl. Sér. 1 (6) (1841), 309–320. With a note appended by M. Sturm.
2. J. Eells,On the surfaces of Delaunay and their Gauss maps. Proc. IV Int. Colloq. Diff. Geo. Santiago de Compostela (1978), 97–116.
3. J. Eells and L. Lemaire,A report on harmonic maps. Bull. London Math. Soc. 10 (1978), 1–68.
4. J. Eells and L. Lemaire,On the construction of harmonic and holomorphic maps between surfaces. Math. Ann. 252 (1980), 27–52.
5. A. R. Forsyth,Calculus of variations. Cambridge (1927).