1. T. M. Kalishevskaya, B. I. Kotlyar, and B. A. Kudryashov, Byull. éksper. biol., 7, 5 (1961).
2. T. M. Kalishevskaya, in the book: Proceedings of a Conference on Problems in the Physiology and Biochemistry of Blood Clotting and Thrombus Formation, to Commemorate the Centenary of A. A. Shmidt's Studies of the Enzyme Theory of Blood Clotting [in Russian], Tartu (1961), p. 39.
3. T. M. Kalishevskaya and B. A. Kudryashov, Fiziol. zh. SSR,48, 5, 1234 (1962).
4. B. A. Kudryashov and P. D. Ulitina, Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR,120, 3, 677 (1958).
5. B. A. Kudryashov, Nature, 184, 454 (1959).