1. Regulation (EC) n. 178/2002, European Parliament and Council of 28 Jan 2002, ch. I,V.
2. A. Bechini, M.G.C.A. Cimino, B. Lazzerini, F. Marcelloni, A. Tomasi, “A general framework for food traceability”, IEEE SAINT 2005 Workshops, Proceedings pagg. 366–369, January–February 2005, Trento, Italy.
3. C. Binstock, D. Peterson, M. Smith, M. Wooding, C. Dix, C. Galtenberg, “The XML Schema Complete Reference”, Addison Wesley Professional, 2003.
4. extensible Markup Language (XML), MLhttp://www.w3.org/XML/.
5. ebXML official website — http://www.ebxml.org.