1. Xin, Y., Wang, J.Z., Hong, H., Gong, W.Z., Zhang, J.Y., Niu, X.Y., Ren, a. L., Si, D.J., Zi, M.R., Xiong, Z.Q., Ye, F.: Field tests on a 35kV/90MVA superconducting fault current limiter. 2010 Int. Conf. Power Syst. Technol., 1–5 (2010)
2. Xiao, H., Qiu, J., Wang, S., Zhang, Q., Gong, W., Xin, Y., Zhu, J.G., Guo, Y.: Analysis of transient overvoltage in 220 kV saturated core HTS FCL. IEEE Trans. Magn. 47, 2620–2623 (2011)
3. Moriconi, F., De La Rosa, F., Darmann, F., Nelson, A., Masur, L.: Development and deployment of saturated-core fault current limiters in distribution and transmission substations. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21, 1288–1293 (2011)
4. GridON’s Fault Current Limiter commissioned into service by ETI at a UK Power Networks substation, http://www.eti.co.uk/news/article/gridons_fault_current_limiter_commissioned_into_service_by_eti_at_a_uk_powe
5. GridON: GridON signed contract to supply a 30MVA Fault Current Limiter to Western Power Distribution for a primary substation in Birmingham, UK. (2014). http://gridon.com/news_events.html#WPDcontract