1. L. C. Biedenharn,Phys. Rev. 82, 100 (1951).
2. L. C. Biedenharn and J. D. Louck,The Racah-Wigner Algebra in Quantum Theory (Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1981).
3. T. D. Lee,Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory (Harwood Academic, New York, 1981), Chap. 13.2.
4. E. P. Wigner, InGroup Theoretical Concepts and Methods in Elementary Particle Physics, F. Gursey, ed., (Gordon & Breach, New York, 1964).
5. E. P. Wigner,Gruppentheorie und ihre Anwendung auf die Quantenmechanik der Atomspektren (Braunschweig, 1931).