1. Coffin, L. F., “The Problem of Thermal Stress Fatigue in Austenitic Steels at Elevated Temperatures,” ASTM Spec. Tech. Publ. #165, 31 (June 1954).
2. Manson, S. S., “Behavior of Materials Under Conditions of Thermal Stress,” NACA Tech. Note 2933 (1954).
3. Dorn, J. E. andStarr, C. D., “The Effect of Dispersions on Mechanical Properties,”ASM, Metals Park, OH, 71–94 (1954).
4. Gensamet, M. et al, “Tensile Properties of Steel,”Trans. ASM,30,983 (1942).
5. Davidson, E. and Ansell, G. S., “Structure and Stress State Sensitivity of Fracture Mechanisms in Two-Phase Materials,” Watervliet Arsenal Tech. Report #6743 (Oct. 1967); also, “Some Observations on the Relationship Between the Effects of Pressure Upon the Fracture Mechanisms and the Ductility of Fe−C Materials,” Trans AIME,245,2383–2390 (Nov. 1969).