1. Macosko, C.W., & J.M. Starita, SPE Tech. Papers 17, 67 (1971) and SPE Journ. 27, 38 (Nov. 1971).
2. Macosko, C.W., & W.M. Davis, “Flow between Eccentric Rotating Disks” presented at VIe Congrès International de Rhéologie. Lyon, Sept. 1972.
3. Tanner, R.I., & Y. Kuo, “Some new measurements of the second normal stress”, presented at VIe Congrès International de Rhéologie. Lyon, Sept. 1972.
4. Pipkin, A.C., & R.I. Tanner, “A survey of theory and experiment in Viscometric Flows of Viscoelastic Liquids”, Brown University Report.