1. J. D. Jackson: inProceedings of the 1976 Summer Institute on Particle Physics, edited byM. C. Zipf (Stanford, Cal., 1976).
2. M. Krammer andH. Krasemann: DESY 78/66 (1978).
3. C. Quigg andJ. L. Rosner:Comm. Nucl. Part. Phys.,81, 11 (1978).
4. C. Quigg: review talk presented at theInternational Meeting on Frontiers of Physics, Singapore, August 14–18, 1978; and at theSecond Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics, September 1–5, 1978, FERMILAB-Conf-78/82 (1978).
5. C. Quigg andJ. L. Rosner:Phys. Lett.,71 B, 153 (1977).