1. Part 26 in the Series: Complexes of Functional Phosphines; for Part 25, see Ref. 17a; for part 24, see P. Veya, C. Floriani, A. Chiesi-Villa, C. Guastini, A. Dedieu, F. Irrgold, and P. Braunstein (1993).Organometallics 12, 4359.
2. A. Bader and E. Lindner (1991).Coord. Chem. Rev. 108, 27.
3. P. Braunstein, S. Coco Cea, M. I. Bruce, B. W. Skelton, and A. H. White (1992).J. Organomet. Chem. 423, C38.
4. P. Braunstein, S. Coco Cea, A. DeCian, and J. Fischer (1992).Inorg. Chem. 31, 4203.
5. P. Braunstein, S. Coco Cea, M. I. Bruce, B. W. Skelton, and A. H. White (1992).J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Tram. 2539.