Partonic behavior of string scattering amplitudes from holographic QCD models


Bianchi Massimo,Firrotta Maurizio,Sonnenschein Jacob,Weissman DorinORCID


Abstract We study the emergence of partonic behavior in scattering processes at large Mandelstam’s variable s from string amplitudes in holographic backgrounds. We generalize the approach of Polchinski and Strassler [1] in two ways. (i) We analyze several holographic confining backgrounds, in particular the hard wall model, the soft wall model and Witten’s model. (ii) In addition to deriving the asymptotic behavior of the amplitudes at fixed angle and in the Regge limit, we also expand the amplitudes around their poles, integrate over the holographic direction and then re-sum the expansion. Due to dependence of the string tension on the holographic coordinate, the resulting singularities take the form of branch points rather than poles and the amplitudes display branch cuts and acquire a finite imaginary part. This may signal the failure of the PS prescription to reproduce the correct analytic structure at low energies. We also observe that the peaks are more pronounced in the region of small s but fade away for large s. In the fixed angle approximation we find in the hard and soft wall models that $$ \mathcal{A} $$ A s2/2 whereas in Witten’s model $$ \mathcal{A} $$ A s3/2 and $$ \mathcal{A} $$ A s7/32∆/3 for the 11D and 10D formulations, respectively. In the Regge regime $$ \mathcal{A} $$ A s2t2+α (log s/t)1+α where α is the power found in the fixed angle regime. Using the pole expansion the result for each model is Re [$$ \mathcal{A} $$ A ] ∼ s1, Im [$$ \mathcal{A} $$ A ] ∼ sα. We compute the corresponding amplitudes for mesons using open strings and find qualitatively similar results as for closed strings.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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1. 50 Years of quantum chromodynamics;The European Physical Journal C;2023-12-12

2. Measuring chaos in string scattering processes;Physical Review D;2023-09-07

3. Phases of a 10-D holographic hard wall model;Journal of High Energy Physics;2023-02-16

4. Revisiting the chiral effective action in holographic models;Physical Review D;2023-01-20

5. Unitarity and Low Energy Expansion of the Coon Amplitude;Physical Review Letters;2022-09-15







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