1. Muon g − 2 collaboration, Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.46 ppm, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (2021) 141801 [arXiv:2104.03281] [INSPIRE].
2. REDTOP collaboration, The REDTOP project: Rare Eta Decays with a TPC for Optical Photons, PoS ICHEP2016 (2016) 812 [INSPIRE].
3. REDTOP collaboration, The REDTOP experiment, arXiv:1910.08505 [INSPIRE].
4. P. Sanchez-Puertas, CP violation in η muonic decays, JHEP 01 (2019) 031 [arXiv:1810.13228] [INSPIRE].
5. B. Kubis, P. Sanchez-Puertas and M. Zillinger, CP violation in η(′) → π+π−μ+μ−, work in progress.