1. ATLAS collaboration, Deep generative models for fast shower simulation in ATLAS, ATL-SOFT-PUB-2018-001, CERN, Geneva (2018).
2. ATLAS collaboration, The new Fast Calorimeter Simulation in ATLAS, ATL-SOFT-PUB-2018-002, CERN, Geneva (2018).
3. ATLAS collaboration, Deep Sets based Neural Networks for Impact Parameter Flavour Tagging in ATLAS, ATL-PHYS-PUB-2020-014, CERN, Geneva (2020) [INSPIRE].
4. ATLAS collaboration, Anomaly detection search for new resonances decaying into a Higgs boson and a generic new particle X in hadronic final states using $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector, ATLAS-CONF-2022-045 CERN, Geneva (2022).
5. ATLAS collaboration, Primary Vertex identification using deep learning in ATLAS, ATL-PHYS-PUB-2023-011, CERN, Geneva (2023).