1. M. Dittmar et al., Working Group I: Parton distributions: Summary report for the HERA LHC Workshop Proceedings, hep-ph/0511119 [ SPIRES ].
2. M. Dittmar et al., Parton distributions, arXiv:0901.2504 [ SPIRES ].
3. S. Forte, L. Garrido, J.I. Latorre and A. Piccione, Neural network parametrization of deep-inelastic structure functions, JHEP 05 (2002) 062 [ hep-ph/0204232 ] [ SPIRES ].
4. NNPDF collaboration, L. Del Debbio, S. Forte, J.I. Latorre, A. Piccione and J. Rojo, Unbiased determination of the proton structure function F2(p) with faithful uncertainty estimation, JHEP 03 (2005) 080 [ hep-ph/0501067 ] [ SPIRES ].
5. NNPDF collaboration, L. Del Debbio, S. Forte, J.I. Latorre, A. Piccione and J. Rojo, Neural network determination of parton distributions: the nonsinglet case, JHEP 03 (2007) 039 [ hep-ph/0701127 ] [ SPIRES ].