1. P. P. Briukhanov, The Study of the Digestive Processes in Various Defects of the Intestine. Dissertation, St. Petersburg, 1913 In Russian.
2. E. S. London, The Physiology and Pathology of Digestion in 30 Lectures, Moscow, 1924 In Russian.
3. V. P. Mandzhgaladze. Proceedings of the Tenth Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Nutrition of the AMN SSSR pp. 224–225, Moscow, 1956 In Russian.
4. B. D. Stasov, A Study of the Compensatory Phenomena During Resection of the Intestine. Dissertation, St. Petersburg, 1913 In Russian.
5. T. V. Tkeshelashvili, Some Problems of the Motor Function of the Small Intesstine Associated with Extensive Resection of that Organ. Candidate's dissertation, Tbilisi, 1954. In Russian.