Matrices for finite group representations that respect Galois automorphisms


Benson David J.ORCID


AbstractWe are given a finite group H, an automorphism $$\tau $$ τ of H of order r, a Galois extension L/K of fields of characteristic zero with cyclic Galois group $$\langle \sigma \rangle $$ σ of order r, and an absolutely irreducible representation $$\rho :H\rightarrow \textsf {GL} (n,L)$$ ρ : H GL ( n , L ) such that the action of $$\tau $$ τ on the character of $$\rho $$ ρ is the same as the action of $$\sigma $$ σ . Then the following are equivalent.   $$\bullet $$ $$\rho $$ ρ is equivalent to a representation $$\rho ':H\rightarrow \textsf {GL} (n,L)$$ ρ : H GL ( n , L ) such that the action of $$\sigma $$ σ on the entries of the matrices corresponds to the action of $$\tau $$ τ on H, and   $$\bullet $$ the induced representation $$\textsf {ind} _{H,H\rtimes \langle \tau \rangle }(\rho )$$ ind H , H τ ( ρ ) has Schur index one; that is, it is similar to a representation over K.    As examples, we discuss a three dimensional irreducible representation of $$A_5$$ A 5 over $$\mathbb {Q}[\sqrt{5}]$$ Q [ 5 ] and a four dimensional irreducible representation of the double cover of $$A_7$$ A 7 over $$\mathbb {Q}[\sqrt{-7}]$$ Q [ - 7 ] .


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